Maurice Littlewood.
After 52 years dedicated volunteering service with the RNLI, and 37 years service with the Honley & Brockholes Branch, Maurice Littlewood stood down as Branch Chairman on the 31st December 2022.
Maurice has served in the post of Secretary and Chairman, and is also a Water Safety & Education Presenter. He has been a stalwart of the Branch and has attended practically every fundraising event and Branch Meeting since first joining the Branch in March 1986.
Although having stepped down from any Branch Committee roles, Maurice has told us that “we haven’t got rid of him yet”! 😉 Maurice is also a member of the Macclesfield Branch, which is closer to his home, so no doubt that our loss is their gain.
Maurice was doing a R.N.L.I. Presentation to a Luncheon Club at Greenhead Masonic Hall in January 2023, and was surprised when our Branch Acting Chairman, Andrew Ingham, came along and presented Maurice with a framed Certificate of Thanks signed by the RNLI Chief Executive, Mark Dowie.
Thank you, Maurice, for your many years of dedicated service to the RNLI, we are all very grateful for your help and support.

His valued contributions I am sure has contributed to help save many lives.

July 1st 2022
Castle Howard, York.

some Past and Present members attended the Excellence in volunteering garden party celebration event in recognition for their long service achievments.
50 years Long service medals.
Judy England. Yvonne Ingham. Andrew Ingham. Maurice Littlewood.
30 years Long service medal.
Roy Meakin.
20 years Long service medals.
Graham Hirst. Adele Oxley. Anthony Watson.

August 2019
Fundraising Director – Jayne George Presented Yvonne and Andrew Ingham Framed Certificates in recognition of their years of volunteering.
30 Year Certificate 2018
Pictured below is Maurice Littlewood (Branch Chairman) receiving a certificate for 30 years of fundraising presented by the (Branch Secretary)

Mere awards 2016

Much appreciation and heartfelt thanks were given at the awards ceremony at The Mere golf course on 21st September 2016, to Maurice Littlewood, and Yvonne & Andrew Ingham for their outstanding work for the RNLI.
Judy England is also receiving her award presented locally.

2015 York Racecourse